Find below downloads for TaekoPlan add-ons and the PDF manual.
Full setup for TaekoPlan v4 v4.6.9 (03-05-2024).
You don't have to remove the previous install, just run the setup over the existing version. If this setup is not the latest, TaekoPlan will automatically invite you to update to the latest version available.
Full setup for TaekoPlan v3.02 (updated 23/09/2021).
This download is just for maintenance reasons, no new installs allowed. Updated: fixed new IP addresses for live update and online database connection
You don't have to remove the previous install, just run the setup over the existing version. Please note: Support for TaekoPlan v3 is end-of-life since january 2021. No new licenses will be provided and support is only given based on hourly rate.
Full setup for TaekoPlan Video Replay v8.3.5 (updated 04-06-2024).
You don't have to remove the previous install, just run the setup over the existing version.
Added replay from memory to speed up frame by frame and seconds plus and minus.
Now you can capture and watch the same file instantly as video-replay. So just continue capturing while checking the latest seconds of the file.
Latest update (v8.4) has rewritten code for connecting Multiview devices with more camera's attached. Tested with 4 Full HD camera's on a Multiview 4x1 4K device.
Latest setup for the new Caller.NET v1.9.5, suitable for inspection desk, final check-in, announcer and beamer.
With adjustable screen output size. Can be used in screen duplicate as well as extended screen mode.
Now with rounded corners for a nicer look.
Latest version includes additional option to show team-badge or state flag instead of national flag.
Fixes issue with incorrect date validation in setup.
Fixed issue with incorrect team-badge shown for the HONG competitor
Updated with background image visible if selected.
Fully compatible with TaekoPlan v3.x and TaekoPlan v4.x
Completely new build.
For the caller to work properly, you may need to install the AccessDatabaseEngine 32 bits (see below).
Separate add-on to provide info on a second screen about times and progress of poomsae categories during the day
Fixed some minor visual things to make it more readable.
New module for checkin at Poomsae events. All competitors for a category will be inactive, unless they are checked in. On the court the operator can instantly see who is competing and who not.
Latest update of the TP4 webserver (required for all communication with Daedo, KP&P, caller etc).
The webserver is now fully DPI-Aware.
This update has the newest component updates included.
Includes full communication with scoreboards for conventional, best-of-three and Para competitions
Use this stand-alone setup if you want to run the webserver on a separate laptop instead on the main central laptop where TaekoPlan is running.
For the webserver to work properly, you may need to install the AccessDatabaseEngine 32 bits (see below).
Latest update of the TP4 RTDS (WT protocol).
Fixed issue with 10 courts+ where court 10 overwrote court 1 visually.
Fully DPI Aware!
Has the updates for the best-of-three competition format and supports Para.
Also now includes the option to use RTDS scalable in any size on your desktop or second screen.
Has now separate screen layouts for conventional, best-of-three and Para competitions
Is now 64 bits application.
Provides NDI output for the screen.
Also added court offset so you can just show the courts needed.
New feature is link-through RTDS, which means that you can link a next RTDS to this one, and after that another.
You can create a chain of RTDS displays through the venue.
Added check on validity on scores entered. Invalid score can not be processed anymore.
Added option to use category groups as created in your TaekoPlan event.
Fixed issue where compulsory forms were not shown when for example both DAN and KUP had compulsory forms entered.
Fixed issue with second screen showing corrupted layout sometimes
Fixed issue where the scoreboard did not close down properly but needed to be killed in the task manager
Added second screen as NDI device to be able to broadcast it over the network.
The newest version of the scoreboard for use with adidas ESM's or tablets.
This version has separate library for the country flags as well as latest component updates.
Latest version fixes some minor issues as well as the live update due to an abandoned server
All the output screens for the second monitor are now correctly aligned/resizable on 16:9 size screens (1280x720 or 1920x1080)
Adds option to see all tablet battery levels in TaekoPlan
The following files may be necessary to install in case you use Windows 10 and want to import Excel files.
It is due to the missing database engine in Windows 10.
If the installation fails, run the EXE as shown in the screenshot. Open a CMD box and go to the file folder. This will run the file without error notifications and will be installed
This example is for the 64 bits version, but it is the same procedure for the 32 bits version.
For more info check this link.
Below some tournaments which you can import with the Zip Utility. You can use them as test events, to learn TaekoPlan.
Initialize them by selecting Active tournament / management / Initialize...
Then the tournament only has competitors and you can start from scratch.
Do NOT unpack the Zip file outside TaekoPlan as you will not be able to use it!