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Comments: 5
  • #1

    TaekoPlan Admin (Thursday, 19 April 2018 14:32)

    Hello All,

    This is the new website of TaekoPlan. Hope you like it!

  • #2

    taekwondomarche@gmail.com (Monday, 28 May 2018 12:08)

    Hello Ronald,
    we meet yesterday during Austrian Open.
    I just finished downloading the new version, as you suggensted, but I need the password to continue the installing procedure.

  • #3

    kyriakos (Sunday, 16 February 2020 18:38)

    I just finished downloading the new version, as you suggensted, but I need the password to continue the installing procedure.

  • #4

    yarikme (Sunday, 14 January 2024 15:11)

    Здраствуйте! Не поможете с RTDS?

  • #5

    Helmut Krah SG Seehausen-Red Scorpions- (Wednesday, 05 June 2024 21:34)

    Hallo, ihre mail vom 4.6.24 . Selbst nach der Korrectur des Login nach herored1 ist mir ein
    Zugang für Anmeldung nicht gelungen. Sehr Schade, können wir nicht am Turnier teilnehmen.