For all licensed users of TaekoPlan, we offer the possibility to have a course to learn the main features of TaekoPlan, how to start, what to do before and during the tournament, troubleshooting etc.




This is a one day course from approx. 10.00 to 17.00 and can be given on a location appointed by the user or in our office in Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands.


The minimum no. of people needed to organize the course is 5 and the maximum approximately 10.

The costs for this course depend on fixed fee, flight, accommodation and additional costs.

It might be possible to combine this course day with the organization of a tournament in order to put into practice what has been learned during the course.


A special combined fee will be offered for this.


Requirements for this course are:


- Familiarity with computers and Windows.

- Computer/laptop to become familiar with TaekoPlan.


Additionally a projector with a resolution of 1024x768 at least should be available and if possible, a networking environment (wireless/cabled).


We will give each student a hand out of the training, which can be used to make notes. If computers are available, we will install a time limited but fully functional version on each system to help learning TaekoPlan. This makes the course a very interactive training session.

We expect all participants to be able to understand and speak the english language.


If you are interested, please send an email to for detailed information and specific pricing.